Learning Innovation Fun Education (LIFE)
Weekly Schedule
Our online courses are fully flexible with the timings. Students can select their timing between 11 AM to 9 PM. Teacher students ratio is 1:1 to 1:5 to give the best performance of our regular courses. Students can select course frequency from 2x to 4x in a week.
for Age 10+, 12+
Android App Development
Build and design exceptional apps on MIT app inventor

for Age 10+, 12+
Lego Robotics
Make some of the most exhilarating robots

for Age 8 to 11 years
3 D
Build futuristic 3d models and designs

for Age 12+
Power of
Us e BBC microbit and make unimaginable projects

for Age 10+, 12+
Coding & Simulation
Create and code to explore in the world of Aurduino
Our aim is to foster creativity and innovation in young budding minds of 21st-century kids by providing the world-class facilities
It's motive is to engage and nurture young millennials to chase their passion.